Earlier this year while navigating
through scenes of film through Youtube,
I noticed parallel narratives qualities
inherent in the process of breaking into
and breaking up the film. They both
maintain the temporal, while serving
a specific purpose in that moment. The film is constant; storytelling is
constantly changing. This specificity
creates a linear element to experience.
I was interested in breaking down
that process and reorganizing this
linearity as a series of commotions in
filmic memory dictating the film’s narrative.
I wanted to use this outcome to see the
changes being made in relation—not
only to time —but each other. This
brought up an interesting question for
me, “What actually changes over time?”
As more film overlaps one another, the
less impact any one scene had. They all
eventually blur into a whole of colors.
Films escaped into the space beyond the
frame, it is a narrative-cut version of a
fiction based on a true story: the order of
a memory.